Theoretical Physics

Learning resources: undergraduate

Classical Mechanics (Lagrangian & Hamiltonian)

Classical Mechanics, Jacob Linder, NTNU (Lectures follow the book on "Classical Mechanics" Second Edition by Herbert Goldstein.)

Lectures on Classical Dynamics, David Tong, University of Cambridge

The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume I, Richard Feynman

The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume II, Richard Feynman

Quantum Mechanics (Non-Relativistic)

Quantum Physics I, Barton Zwiebach, MIT

lecture notes

Quantum Physics II, Barton Zwiebach, MIT

lecture notes

Linear Algebra Done Right (4th Edition), Sheldon Axler (recommended during the course)

Quantum Mechanics, Professor J.J Binney, University of Oxford | Problem sets & solutions

The Physics of Quantum Mechanics, James Binney & David Skinner (2012)

The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume III, Richard Feynman

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Physics III, Barton Zwiebach, MIT

lecture notes

Quantum Mechanics I, Namık Kemal

Learning resources: postgraduate

Quantum Field Theory

Quantum Field Theory, David Tong, University of Cambridge

lecture notes

Quantum Field Theory, Tobias Osborne

Quantum Field Theory (Fall 2018), Kevin Cahill

Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (Winter 2022/23), Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger at TU Dresden

Gauge Theories in Particle Physics (Volume 1 & 2), Ian J.R. Aitchison, Anthony J.G. Hey [Free download from Taylor & Francis. Email me for a copy of the book, if no longer available for download]

If you would like to purchase a book for further reading I can recommend Field Quantization by Walter Greiner & Joachim Reinhardt

Advanced Quantum Field Theory (Loops, ..)

Advanced Quantum Field Theory, Tobias Osborne

Quantum Field Theory II (Spring 2019), Kevin Cahill | Additional notes: Group theory

Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II (Summer 2023), Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger at TU Dresden, [2303.09120]

Physics from Symmetry, Jakob Schwichtenberg [Free download from Springer | Errata]

If you would like to purchase a book for further reading I can recommend Quantum Field Theory by Franz Mandl, Graham Shaw & Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model by Matthew D. Schwartz.

More lecture series from Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöckinger at TU Dresden: Standard Model Theory (Summer 2023), Effective Field Theory and Renormalization Group (Summer 2024), Multiloop Renormalization (Winter 2020/2021)

Standard Model

Standard Model Review, Paul Langacker, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Grand Unification and the Standard Model (PDF) | Introduction to Standard Model and Electroweak Physics (PDF)

General Relativity

Relativity, Neil Turok, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

MIT 8.962 General Relativity, Spring 2020, Scott Hughes

lecture notes
The basics of gravitational wave theory, Eanna E Flanagan, Scott A Hughes

Lecture Notes on General Relativity, Sean M. Carroll (PDF)


The Early Universe, Alan Guth, MIT

lecture slides


Supersymmetry, Fernando Quevedo, University of Cambridge

lecture notes

Explorations In Particle Theory, Ben Allanach, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

lecture notes

Superstring Theory (candidate framework for Quantum Gravity)

Introduction to String Theory, Neil Lambert

lecture notes | solutions

Lectures on String Theory, David Tong, University of Cambridge

An Introduction to String Theory, Kevin Wray, University of California, Berkeley

String Theory Review, Barton Zwiebach, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Physical Mathematics

Lectures by Kevin Cahill: Fall 2017 | Spring 2017 | Spring 2018

Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists, Anthony Zee

Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Gilbert Strang, MIT

If you would like to purchase a book for further reading I can recommend Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists by Anthony Zee & Physical Mathematics by Kevin Cahill.


The Value Of Science, Richard P Feynman (1955)

The Multiverse, Max Tegmark

Web of Stories: Freeman Dyson (Scientist) | Murray Gell-Mann (Scientist) | John Wheeler (Scientist) | Hans Bethe (Scientist)

Other websites

The Feynman Lectures on Physics

The Theoretical Minimum, Leonard Susskind, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics

Lectures on Theoretical Physics, David Tong, University of Cambridge

The collected papers of Albert Einstein

Other lectures notes that are probably good for reference (not read).

Notes from Sidney Coleman's Physics 253

Other physics books that are probably good for reference (not read).

Introduction to Gauge Field Theory, David Bailin, Alexander Love [Free download from Taylor & Francis. Email me for a copy of the book, if no longer available for download]

The Standard Model and Beyond, Paul Langacker [Free download from Taylor & Francis. Email me for a copy of the book, if no longer available for download]

Cosmology in Gauge Field Theory and String Theory, David Bailin, Alexander Love [Free download from Taylor & Francis. Email me for a copy of the book, if no longer available for download]

Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory and String Theory, David Bailin, Alexander Love [Free download from Taylor & Francis. Email me for a copy of the book, if no longer available for download]

Quantum Field Theory, Mark Srednicki [Draft copy of book | Spin Zero | Spin One Half]

Some additional learning resources on Pure Mathematics

Multivariable Calculus, Edward Frenkel, UC Berkeley (2009)

Group Theory & Ring Theory, Elliot Nicholson

You will find a lot of wonderful books on Forgotten Books. A treasure trove for anyone who loves Pure Mathematics.

A Course of Pure Mathematics, G. H. Hardy

A Treatise on the Integral Calculus, Volume 1, Joseph Edwards

A Treatise on the Integral Calculus, Volume 2, Joseph Edwards

If you are interested in learning about the evolution of life on Earth I can highly recommend the following three books by Richard Dawkins: The Blind Watchmaker, River Out Of Eden and the God Delusion. You could then read the remaining books in chronological order.

Paul Booker, UK. Last updated: March, 2025.